1994年 国際会議-
The IVth International Symposium on “Intelligent Molecular Systems with Controlled Functionality” -Molecular Systems and New Experimental Techniques- December 12-14,1994 (1994.12.12)
Time-resolved spectroscopic and interferometric studies on photophysical and photothermal processes of organic molecular materialsHiroshi Masuhara and Hiroshi Fukumura
XVth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry July 17-22, 1994 (1994.07.17)
Picosecond regular reflection spectroscopic studies on ultrafast photothermal conversion of phthalocyanine solidMusubu Ichikawa, Hiroshi Fukumura, and Hiroshi Masuhara
the 6th International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research “ Innovative Laser Technologies in Nuclear Energy” March 23-25, 1994 (1994.03.23)
UV laser ablation dynamics of liquids as revealed by nanosecond time-resolved spectroscopic and photographic measurementsYasuyuki Tsuboi, Koji Hatanaka, Hiroshi Fukumura, and Hiroshi Masuhara