1995年 国際会議-
IEEE forum on Micromachine and Micromechatronics October 30-31, 1995 (1995.10.30)
Micromanipulation and maicrofabrication of molecular systems by radiation pressure of laser lighHiroshi Masuhara
Recent Progress and Future Prospects of Molecular Electronic Spectroscopy Ocrober 22-25, 1995 (1995.10.22)
Laser oscillation, photon tunneling, and fluorescence excitation of a single microsphere in solutionKeiji Sasaki, Hideki Fujiwara, Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, and Hiroshi Masuhara
XVIIth International Conference on Photochemistry July 30-August 4, 1995 (1995.07.30)
A picosecond regular reflection spectroscopic study on ultrafast electron transfer and recombination precesses at copper phthalocyanine solid/water interfaceMusubu Ichikawa, Hiroshi Fukumura, and Hiroshi Masuhara
the 8th IEEE Workshop on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS '95) January 29 - February 2, 1995 (1995.01.30)
Microchemistry: manipulation, fabrication, and spectroscopy in small domainsHiroshi Masuhara
Japan-U.S. Binational Workshop “Future Prospects of Solar Energy Conversion” January 5-9, 1995 (1995.01.05)
Photochemical and Photothermal Processes of Organic Molecular MaterialsHiroshi Masuhara and Hiroshi Fukumura