藤田 祐一
- 著者/発表者:
- Nomata, J., Kondo, T., Mizoguchi, T., Tamiaki, H., Itoh, S. and Fujita, Y.
- 表題:
- Dark-operative protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase generates substrate radicals by an iron-sulphur cluster in bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis
- 発表先:
- Scientific Reports 4, 5455; DOI:10.1038/srep05455. (2014)
- 著者/発表者:
- Yamamoto, H., Kato, M., Yamanashi, K., and Fujita, Y.
- 表題:
- Reconstitution of a sequential reaction of two nitrogenase-like enzymes in the bacteriochlorophyll biosynthetic pathways of Rhodobacter capsulatus.
- 発表先:
- Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 448, 200-205. (2014)
- 著者/発表者:
- Tsujimoto, R., Kamiya, N., and Fujita, Y.
- 表題:
- Transcriptional regulators ChlR and CnfR are essential for diazotrophic growth of nonheterocystous cyanobacteria.
- 発表先:
- Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of USA 111, 6762-6767. (2014)
- 著者/発表者:
- Aoki, R., Hiraide, Y., Yamakawa, H. and Fujita, Y.
- 表題:
- A novel “oxygen-induced” greening process in a cyanobacterial mutant lacking the transcriptional activator ChlR involved in low-oxygen adaptation of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis
- 発表先:
- J. Biol. Chem. 289, 1841-1851(2014)
- 著者/発表者:
- Nomata, J., Kondo, T., Itoh, S. and Fujita, Y.
- 表題:
- Nicotinamide is a specific inhibitor of dark-operative protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase, a nitrogenase-like enzyme, from Rhodobacter capsulatus
- 発表先:
- FEBS Lett. 587, 3142-3147(2013)
- 著者/発表者:
- Tsukatani, Y., Yamamoto, H., Mizoguchi, T., Fujita, Y. and Tamiaki, H.
- 表題:
- Completion of biosynthetic pathway for bacteriochlorophyll g in Heliobacterium modesticaldum: The C8-ethylidene group formation
- 発表先:
- Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1827, 1200-1204(2013)
- 著者/発表者:
- Tsukatani, Y., Yamamoto, H., Harada, J., Yoshitomi, T., Nomata, J., Kasahara, M., Mizoguchi, T., Fujita, Y. and Tamiaki, H.
- 表題:
- An unexpectedly branched biosynthetic pathway for bacteriochlorophyll b capable of absorbing near-infrared light
- 発表先:
- Scientific Reports 3, 1217; DOI:10.1038/srep01217(2013)
- 著者/発表者:
- 青木里奈、藤田祐一
- 表題:
- ラン藻のテトラピロール生合成系の嫌気環境適応と進化的視点
- 発表先:
- 光合成研究 22, 87-97(2012)
- 著者/発表者:
- Aoki, R., Takeda, T., Omata, T., Ihara, K. and Fujita, Y.
- 表題:
- MarR-type transcriptional regulator ChlR activates expression of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis genes in response to low-oxygen conditions in cyanobacteria
- 発表先:
- J. Biol. Chem. 287, 13500-13507.(2012)
- 著者/発表者:
- Yamamoto, H., Kurumiya, S., Ohashi, R. and Fujita, Y.
- 表題:
- Functional evaluation of a nitrogenase-like protochlorophyllide reductase encoded by the chloroplast DNA of Physcomitrella patens in the cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya boryana.
- 発表先:
- Plant and Cell Physiology 52: 1983-1993 (2011)
- 著者/発表者:
- 藤田祐一
- 表題:
- 暗所作動型プロトクロロフィリド還元酵素-ニトロゲナーゼとの構造的類似性から見る酵素の多様性と進化-
- 発表先:
- 生化学 83: 642-647 (2011)
- 著者/発表者:
- 藤田祐一、栗栖源嗣
- 表題:
- クロロフィルを緑にする2つの還元酵素:光依存型酵素と暗所作動型酵素の反応機構と進化的考察
- 発表先:
- 生物物理 51:66-71(2011)
- 著者/発表者:
- 村木則文、栗栖源嗣、野亦次郎、藤田祐一
- 表題:
- クロロフィル生合成系酵素と窒素固定酵素の共通構造基盤
- 発表先:
- 日本結晶学会誌 53: 113-118 (2011)
- 著者/発表者:
- Takano, Y., Yonezawa, Y., Fujita, Y., Kurisu, G. and Nakamura, H.
- 表題:
- Electronic structures of a [4Fe-4S] cluster, [Fe4S4 (SCH3)3(CH3COO)], in dark-operative protochlorophyllide reductase (DPOR)
- 発表先:
- Chemical Physics Letters 503: 296-300(2011)
- 著者/発表者:
- Kondo, T., Nomata, J., Fujita, Y. and Itoh, S.
- 表題:
- EPR study of 1Asp-3Cys ligated 4Fe-4S iron-sulfur cluster in NB-protein (BchN-BchB) of a dark-operative protochlorophyllide reductase complex.
- 発表先:
- FEBS Letters 585: 214-218(2010)
- 著者/発表者:
- Reinbothe, C., El Bakkouri, M., Buhr, F., Muraki, N., Nomata, J., Kurisu, G., Fujita, Y. and Reinbothe, S.
- 表題:
- Chlorophyll biosynthesis: spotlight on protochlorophyllide reduction.
- 発表先:
- Trends in Plant Sciences 15, 614-624.(2010)
- 著者/発表者:
- N. Muraki, J. Nomata, K. Ebata, T. Mizoguchi, T. Shiba, H. Tamiaki, G. Kurisu, Y. Fujita
- 表題:
- Structure of protochlorophyllide reductase: a greening mechanism of plants in the dark
- 発表先:
- Nature 465: 110-114 (2010)
- 著者/発表者:
- Goto, T., Aoki, R., Minamizaki, K. and Fujita, Y.
- 表題:
- Functional differentiation of two analogous coproporphyrinogen III oxidases for heme and chlorophyll biosynthesis pathways in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.
- 発表先:
- Plant and Cell Physiology 51: 650-663 (2010)
- 著者/発表者:
- H. Yamamoto, S. Kurumiya, R. Ohashi and Y. Fujita
- 表題:
- Oxygen sensitivity of a nitrogenase-like protochlorophyllide reductase from the cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya boryana
- 発表先:
- Plant and Cell Physiology 50: 1663-1673 (2009)
- 著者/発表者:
- S. Masuda, R. Ikeda, T. Masuda, H. Hashimoto, T. Tsuchiya, H. Kojima, J. Nomata, Y. Fujita, M. Mimuro, H. Ohta and K. Takamiya
- 表題:
- Prolamellar bodies formed by cyanobacterial protochlorophyllide
oxidoreductase in Arabidopsis
- 発表先:
- Plant Journa(2009)
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