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高橋 文雄
- 著者/発表者:
- Amagai A, Takahashi F, Usui T, Abe T, Maeda Y
- 表題:
- Induction of macrocyst wall formation by ZYG1 in Dictyostelium discoideum
- 発表先:
- Res J Dev Biol 1:article2(2014)
- 著者/発表者:
- Hisatomi O, Nakatani Y, Takeuchi K, Takahashi F, Kataoka H
- 表題:
- Blue light-induced dimerization of monomeric Aureochrome-1enhances its affinity for the target sequence
- 発表先:
- J Biol Chem 289: 17379?17391(2014)
- 著者/発表者:
- Takahashi S, Teranishi M, Izumi M, Takahashi M, Takahashi F, Hidema J
- 表題:
- Transport of rice cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer photolyase into mitochondria relies on a targeting sequence located in its C-terminal internal region
- 発表先:
- Plant J 79: 951-963(2014)
- 著者/発表者:
- Yang Y, Matsuzaki M, Takahashi F, Qu L, Nozaki H
- 表題:
- Phylogenomic analysis of ‘‘Red’’ genes from two divergent species of the ‘‘Green’’ secondary phototrophs, the Chlorarachniophytes, suggests multiple horizontal gene transfers from the red lineage before the divergence of extant chlorarachniophytes
- 発表先:
- PLOS One 9: e101158(2014)
- 著者/発表者:
- 石川美恵 高橋文雄
- 表題:
- 黄色植物フシナシミドロの光応答戦略 -転写因子として働く青色光受容体オーレオクロム
- 発表先:
- BSJ-Review 4:21-28(2013)
- 著者/発表者:
- Hisatomi O, Takeuchi K, Zikihara K, Ookubo Y, Nakatani Y, Takahashi F, Tokutomi S, Kataoka H
- 表題:
- Blue Light-Induced Conformational Changes in a Light-Regulated Transcription Factor, Aureochrome-1
- 発表先:
- Plant Cell Physiology 54: 93?106(2013)
- 著者/発表者:
- Ishikawa M, Kataoka H, Takahashi F
- 表題:
- Analysis of Light-Dependent Cell Morphology and an Accumulation Response in Ochromonas danica
- 発表先:
- Cytologia 77(4): 1?9(2012)
- 著者/発表者:
- Usami H, Maeda T, Fujii Y, Oikawa K, Takahashi F, Kagawa T, Wada M, Kasahara M
- 表題:
- CHUP1 mediates actin-based light-induced chloroplast avoidance movement in the moss Physcomitrella patens
- 発表先:
- Planta 236(6)1889-1897(2012)